
BKT to showcase innovations at Farm Progress Show 2017

BKT is to have a more established presence at the Farm Progress Show 2017, the largest outdoor farming event throughout the US, which will be held in Decatur, Illinois from August 29 to 31. On an even larger area this year, the top-of-the-range products from the Agrimax tyre lineup for the farming sector are on display along with a selection of ATV tyres.

Tyres for transport operations

BKT has introduced new product portfolio for transport operations that is suitable for both road use and combined use on the road and in the fields. Developed to reduce soil compaction, if necessary, these tyres are able to carry heavy loads, even at high speeds.

BKT to unveil Agrimax Sirio tyres

BKT will present its new range of Agrimax Sirio tyres at SIMA to be held in Paris from 22 to 26 February 2015.